It requires courage to let go of a hierarchical and controlling mindset.


To inspire change, you must change yourself first.

Good leadership means leaders are no longer needed.

“Many companies say WHO they are and WHAT they do.
 But HOW and WHY they do it is often forgotten.
 This is precisely where the potential for differentiation lies.”

For companies seeking to boost their image as employers.

For brands seeking strategic positioning.

For managers seeking to evolve.

For associations seeking to inspire.

For event organisers seeking fresh momentum.

For those seeking to strategically develop their positioning and corporate culture.

The values communication methods help to firmly establish your own corporate vision and give your marketing strategy a clear strategic direction through which actions can be targeted and coordinated.

Your own values fulfill specific needs, which in turn are geared to the interests of the target group. Values communication highlights these interrelationships and helps to establish a shared understanding of brand and management style in the company.

Mission statement development and implementation

Germany’s number 40 employment services provider, Franz + Wach from Baden-Württemberg, worked on their values and positioning with the explicit involvement of their employees. The process included several all-day workshops which were also documented on film, and resulted in a comprehensive package of measures to improve company culture, including a corporate design package.

Set yourself apart through values

At SHORT CUTS in the Sarotti-Höfe in Kreuzberg we held a workshop and gave talks showing how values are the lifeblood of any company. During the workshop participants learned how companies can achieve a sustainable position through values. An enjoyable and interesting evening with values communication strategies and insights into the marketing book “smart TARGETING”.

Develop corporate culture

Entrepreneurs and managers are often faced with the challenge of making a company’s communication processes as seamless as possible. This requires a positive corporate culture. How can employees identify better with the company? How does a strong team spirit develop? How do we create a vibrant corporate culture? Martin Permantier and his team addressed these questions in this workshop together with Great Place to Work® and the support programme unternehmensWert:Mensch (Corporate Value People).